
Mitsubishi Electric Split-type Air-conditioners

純淨清風  空調至尊

Pure and Fresh Air-conditioning

突破性開啟式設計              清潔簡易污垢盡除

Innovative Removable Design for Perfect Hygiene

全新三菱電機BV 系列分體式冷氣機率先引入革命性的獨特開啟式清潔設計,令你在家中可輕鬆地為室內主機進行徹底清潔,確保空氣時刻保持純淨清新,減少霉菌及細菌的滋生,呵護你至愛的家人健康,為你達至優質健康生活的最終目標。

The innovative removable design of the Mitsubishi Electric BV series split-type air-conditioners satisfies the stringent hygienic demand of modern families. Cleaning has never been so easy – the indoor unit parts can be easily dismantled for thorough cleaning, ensuring a constant supply of clean and pure airflow free from moulds and bacteria. Your goal of providing quality healthy living for your beloved family starts from here.

突破性開啟式設計              清潔簡易污垢盡除

Innovative Removable Design for Perfect Hygiene


The innovative removable design enables major parts of the indoor unit of the Mitsubishi Electric BV series split-type air-conditioners to be thoroughly cleaned for a dust-free operation so that airflow is pure and clean. As a result, operation is always kept efficiently for energy-saving purpose.

外型簡約時尚  融入現代家居設計

Chic Look for Modern Family

三菱電機BV 系列分體式冷氣機的室內主機,面板外型流線簡約,時尚的設計與你的家居擺設融合和諧、混為一體,絕無喧賓奪主之感。上下進風口設計, 加強的循環氣流令你有如置身於大自然中,悠悠自得地享受純淨的空氣。

The new streamline minimal look of the indoor unit of the Mitsubishi Electric BV series with its chic design blends perfectly with your home furnishing. The enhanced air-flow makes you feel as if you are out there with nature.

立體多角度自動送風  任何角落照顧到 (MSD-09BV, MSD-12BV)

Auto-Swing & Multi Airflow Direction for Every Corner of the Room

三菱電機BV 系列分體式冷氣機特有7個方位的自動送風模式,無論你安坐家中那一個角落, 均能享受到舒適的氣流,而多角度的送風功能令冷氣均勻地吹遍房間的每個角落。操控簡易,只需用遙控輕輕一按,7種送風模式全在你掌握之中,滿足各人不同所需,以及不同空間的要求,務求令房間每個角落都洋溢著最舒適的空調氣流。

No matter where you are in the room, the Mitsubishi Electric BV series is able to offer you an enjoyable airflow from up to 7 directions, making sure every corner of the room is covered perfectly. Controlled entirely at your fingertips, the 7-direction auto-swing airflow mode suits the needs of different people and room sizes, and fills each corner of your room with the most comfortable air-conditioning.

涼感控制 節能省電

Patent “ECONO COOL” Mode

三菱電機專利的智能化送風技術:首先運轉向下送風,對人的集中區域先行冷卻;隨後向上送風,冷卻整個房間;同時根據送風口的溫度變化,間歇性地向下送風,既予人清涼舒爽,又防止因長時間直接吹風而引致冷氣病。因此,雖然設定溫度調高 2°C,但仍能得到同樣的涼快感覺,並可省電 20%。

With this groundbreaking patented temperature control feature, the air will flow downwards to cool down where people are gathering, then flow upwards to cool down the entire room.  This automatic airflow swing ensures the feeling of pleasant coolness without the risk of catching cold. It allows the cooling temperature to be raised by 2°C without any loss in comfort, while reducing energy consumption by 20%.

<Illustration 3>

Outdoor Temperature 室外溫度:35°C

Cooling Temperature 製冷溫度:25°C

Body Surface Temperature 體膚溫度:30.6°C

Outdoor Temperature 室外溫度:35°C

Cooling Temperature 製冷溫度:27°C

Body Surface Temperature 體膚溫度:29.4°C

The Cooling Effect of Conventional Cool Mode


The Cooling Effect of ECONO COOL Mode



Sound of Silence

超級靜音 好夢暢酣

Superior Noise Reduction Technologies

全新三菱電機BV 系列分體式冷氣機擁有低至* 26 分貝的超靜運作音量,直逼錄音室 25 分貝的靜音標準,靜得好像不存在似的,皆因送風設計進一步改良了:

•  貫流風扇直徑擴大至 105mm,既能保持強勁風力,又可大幅減低噪音。

•  貫流風扇葉片共有 5 種不同間距,減少共鳴噪音,增加空氣流量。

•  採用雙導葉片,送風更為暢通輕快。

•  採用壓痕性換熱器、降噪金屬條等先進的降噪技術,令操作更為寧靜。

The state-of-the-art airflow design enables a noiseless operation down to as low as 26 dB, which is so close to the standard noise level (25 dB) of a recording studio that you won’t be aware of the noise itself:

•  The fan diameter increased to 105mm, minimizing the operational noise without compromise of the wind power.

•  The uneven pitches (5 different intervals) between the fan blades not only increase airflow volume but also help lower the resonant noise level.

•  Double directional blade contributes to a smoother and quieter airflow.

•  The noise-reducing heat exchanger and metal strips also facilitate noiseless operation.

慳電 – 無時無刻為你著想

Energy-saving & Customer Oriented

Innovative Sleep Mode 睡眠模式 慳電舒適 (MSD-09BV, MSD-12BV)

根據科學測試證明,最健康、舒適的睡眠溫度是 28°C;而冷氣機的製冷溫度每上調 1°C,就能省電 10%。睡眠模式一旦啟動,製冷溫度會於 90 分鐘後自動上調至預設的睡眠溫度(出廠時預設為 28 °C,亦可自行更改),防止室溫過冷而著涼,令你睡得健康舒適,而又能節省電力。此外,睡眠模式亦會把電源綠色信號燈的亮度減弱至原來的五分之一,避免燈光妨礙入睡。

Scientific researches show that the healthiest and most comfortable room temperature for sleeping is 28°C; while the cooling temperature of air-conditioning rises up by each 1°C, energy will be saved by 10%. Once the Sleep Mode is activated, the cooling temperature will automatically rise up to the preset sleeping temperature after 90 minutes (the default setting is 28°C, which is adjustable), preventing you from getting too cool or too warm, ensuring quality sleep as well as energy efficiency. Besides, the power green sign will be dimmed down to one fifth of the original brightness in Sleep Mode, making sure it will not interfere with your sleep.

雙重過濾 污物盡除

“CATECHIN” Deodorizing & Air Cleaning Filters

三菱電機BV 系列分體式冷氣機除了擁有獨特的開啟式清潔設計外,特大的茶精清新網蘊含提煉自純天然綠茶的 “Catechin”,能抑制細菌滋長,並有效去除煙味、汗臭、溶劑、大蒜、垃圾等難聞異味,更可反覆清洗,功效持續達 10 年;而超闊的靜電過濾網則能隔濾小至 0.01 微米的懸浮微粒 (如煙灰、塵埃、花粉等),確保空氣清新。

Besides the unique removable design for easy cleaning, the Mitsubishi Electric BV series are equipped with the outsize “Catechin” deodorizing filter uses Catechin, a Green Tea extract, to suppress bacterial growth and eliminate odours like cigarette, sweat, solvent, garlic and garbage.  It is washable and effective for 10 years.  The broadened air-cleaning filter is able to remove dust particles as tiny as 0.01 micron (such as cigarette ash, dust and pollen), keeping the air as fresh and pure as possible.

Cozy 舒適

仿智邏輯 “I FEEL” 體感控制

Fuzzy Logic “I FEEL” Control

仿智邏輯 “I FEEL” 體感控制會記錄您選擇「過暖」或「過冷」控制鍵的模式,當冷氣機下次啟動時,便會以最適合您的溫度自動運作,細心體貼。

The fuzzy logic “I FEEL” Control learns your temperature preferences by monitoring the choices you make with the “Too Warm” or “Too Cool” button.  Next time when you switch on the air-conditioner, it will automatically operate at your desired temperature.


Cooling Model 單冷型

Cooling Capacity 製冷能力:2.55 kW / 8,700 BTU/h

Coefficient of Performance 耗效能系數 (C.O.P):3.52


Cooling Model 單冷型

Cooling Capacity 製冷能力:3.55 kW / 12,100 BTU/h

Coefficient of Performance 耗效能系數 (C.O.P):3.05

